We knew we weren't going to have a typical Halloween this year, but we managed to find a new ways to celebrate. We had a Halloween party with close family, a puppy playdate, and scary movies one weekend. Hubs and I snuck away on a Saturday morning to grab goodies from our favorite pumpkin patch store. We didn't spend very long there, as it was crowded. I was very happy we got our patch visit in early in the season and didn't worry about crowds!
Apple cider donuts, the best honeycrisp apples, peanut butter, fudge, and masks. I typically buy shaped holiday pastas too, but the store didn't have it. I noticed they did away with several shelf sections of the patch store to allow for social distancing.
While we were gone, the minis got into costumes and got our game ready to play during the party.
Way cool Halloween food for our dinner and TONS of candy.
My favorite pumpkin beer!
Reading ghost stories before we took a night walk.
Trading candy before bed. Tis' the season.
Every Sunday the minis help get the daycare room ready for the week. Then, they play with everything.