Tuesday, August 27, 2019

First Weekend of the School Year

I didn't want to do too much on the first weekend of the school year. You never know how exhausted or overwhelmed kids might be after their first day(s) of school. I also didn't want to plan too little because my minis seem to have carried over their energized summer selves into the school year (you know, the selves who are go, go, go from the moment they wake up to the time they go to bed). I decided it was the perfect weekend to head to our favorite hiking place in Central Iowa: Ledges State Park. However, since we always come to Ledges in the fall for a full day of hiking, and fall is coming up fast, I surprised the minis with creek hiking instead--something that is much too cold to do in just a few short week.

Dressed in swim gear and water shoes, we spent an afternoon splashing in the creek, playing in the sand, and even standing in the Des Moines River at the end of the hike. Along the way there were tears from rocks in shoes, one fight that involved a slap and possibly a punch, and plenty of "just keep walking forward," from Mom and Dad. All in all, Saturday was a spectacular day.

Silly selfies--or "us-ies" as my husband calls them.

For the past couple of years, Canyon Road at Ledges was washed out (due to a sinkhole). During that time, the Park was so peaceful. Very few people visited and we pretty much had the place to ourselves during the last few visits. The Road opened back up this year and well, we were bummed we had to share the crowded Park. Elizabeth said several times, "I don't remember this many people!" She probably wouldn't because her recent memories are of an empty Park besides us!

Whoever asked Mom to stand on the log must have forgotten that Mom has no balance or coordination!

All of the kids to any car that passed: "splash us! Splash us! Splash us!" said in a chant.

We made it to the River! The only reason we're letting them stand in it was because the current wasn't very strong on this day.

Testing skills. Right after this picture, both boys jumped at the same time and collided. No one was injured, but from the screams, you would have thought someone was killed.

Sunday Family Fun Day was spent mostly at home. My cousin Natalie got us a 100 Albums Bucket List scratch off poster. We began our album listening on Sunday while we deep cleaned the house and bedrooms (something that wasn't done all summer because how could we keep up with it with so many people in and out of our house all day, every day??? No really, I'm asking. For real? How do I do it???). We had dance parties during cleaning breaks.

Our evening was pretty relaxing. We had a parent meeting for the middle school carpool (I have never been more thankful for our tribe of school friends!) followed by pizza for dinner. Great little weekend all wrapped up nicely as we began the first full week of the school year.

We finally got our art and decoration pieces hung on the walls! Go us.

Dancing before bed is the only way to end the weekend and start the week.