Looking back over the past five years at our holiday season found us at every event possible. We've taken train rides to the "North Pole," we've eaten breakfasts, pizza, and drank hot chocolate with Santa, we've ridden horses and in sleighs to Santa, we've waited with penguins to see Santa at the zoo, we've done every tour, open house, and sang Christmas carols with Santa. We've been lucky enough to do all of those big events our wonderful community offers.
With the minis getting older, some of those events aren't as appealing as they once were (for the minis at least). I've been racking my brain to think of something new we could do for the holiday season. Last week, as we prepped our living room for our Christmas tree, I was astonished at how many movies we've accumulated. I've spent hundreds and hundreds of dollars on holiday movies we rarely get the chance to watch, not to mention all of those delicious holiday movies and shows piling up on our watchlists on Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime. I made the comment to Hubs that it's been years since we've watched some of our Christmas movies. We just never have time because this time of year is always so busy.
Then it clicked. We had nowhere we had to be for 8 hours on Saturday. That left us pretty much an entire day with nothing we had to do. So, I declared Saturday Christmas Movie Day. We decorated the Christmas trees in the morning, sang and danced along to White Christmas, laughed our way through Home Alone 2, and wished for our own reindeer while watching Prancer.
The proper way to decorate the tree is to get out every single ornament and lay it out on the floor. Then you have to tip toe around them. Some end up broken though.
Three of my favorite ornaments that fits our family perfectly: a deer jaw bone Harrison found at the tree farm last year, white water rafting Snoopy for all of our adventures, and the Starbucks ornament (because, ya know, Bucks).
I love doing new things with the minis. While I looked forward to our weekends out of the house and exploring, this was such a simple and memorable day, plus we got some use of our rarely watched holiday movies. I loved this day just as much as any event we could have gone to instead.