Thursday, June 27, 2024

To My Oldest On Your Sixteenth Birthday



And the award for most changed in a year goes to....YOU! What a year of accomplishments you had. You made a point of going outside of your comfort zone and tried (and did) so many new things. While you still love to draw and paint and have an interest in art in general, you had a big presence in your high school theatre department. You had a small role in The Crucible, accidentally said "carrot" instead of curtain in the stage reading of The Man Who Came To Dinner, and had the crowds cheering as your role of Jesus in The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. You impressed me beyond words with your performances and dedication to rehearsals. They required many long hours and a commitment that would make a lot of people sweat. Yet, you did it with ease.

Your grades were outstanding, you took your first pSAT, and you absolutely rocked your AP course. I can say over and over again how proud we are of your school work, but it comes easily and naturally to you. I loved seeing you try new classes. 

You also branched out and made a lot of new friends, thanks to theatre, and our days of adventuring are few and far between. Instead, you've had parties, hang outs, game nights, gaming nights and days, and many new experiences (ahem, Greenwood Park night). You're very teenager-y, but I love seeing you expand your horizons and grow. You're also the reason Life 360 was invented (joking, only slightly)! 

Some of your favorite things these days: gaming with friends, musicals, movies, hanging out with friends, Door Dashing lunch to our house, working every Saturday, food and late night snacks, walking on the trails, hiking (when we get a chance), Amazon, clothes on Amazon, long shorts, and hanging out with friends (it's on there twice because that is for sure your favorite thing in life). 

Watching you come into your own through your hair and style choices, through your friendships, and through what you choose to do in your free time, has been a remarkable part of motherhood for me. You pave the way for your siblings, help me parent without even realizing it, and step up whenever you can. I can't thank you enough for being exactly you!

I hope this next trip around the sun treats you just as well as the last. With more adventures, more things to try, more plays, more friends, more laughter, more love, and more living life to the fullest. To the kid who made me a mom and makes motherhood (mostly) easy, Happy Birthday kid!

Love always and forever,
