Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Thankful, Grateful, Blessed


#thankfulgratefulblessed Was that all over social media again? It's cliché, believe me I realize. I actually hate the hashtag, but it's also very true. Each Thanksgiving season, I think long and hard about what I'm thankful for. This year I had to pause my thinking and redirect myself numerous times. I wanted to know, what was the one thing that had the biggest impact on me since I last checked my gratefulness?

A lot has happened since last Thanksgiving. Our table was one less special person this year. As much as I wish my grandma was still with us, I am forever thankful for what I was given during my grandma's last days on earth. Our large family gathered together for two weeks, two whole weeks, around her bedside. We shared meals, stories, tears, and laughter. The entire experience was pure, unconditional love. Love for my grandma and each other. As the days turned from winter to spring, I was forever changed by those weeks. 

Then again, the only reason I was able to fully immerse myself in family during that time was due to my business and the flexibility my families gave me. They're always understanding and downright amazing. I wouldn't have my life without them. Surely, I should be most thankful for them and my business. Every bit of it is priceless.

Of course, then there was all of the irreplaceable time I granted myself to have with my children. I took as much time off as I could, making just enough money to cover the bills, and I spent time with my children. I homeschooled them, took them on trips across the country, and learned with them. I can easily say that experience has had a tremendous impact on who I am in this moment (and also my bank account). I will never regret taking that time; it's actually been one of the best things I've done in my entire life.

In truth, I can't pick just one thing to be thankful for. I have a whole, wonderful life that was made up of a gazillion experiences the past year that leads me to be the person typing this. When we went around giving thanks before our meal last Thursday, I think I gave a pretty blanketed answer of 'I'm thankful for family, friends, animals...' I am very thankful to have all of that because they make my life rich with craziness and laughter. But truly, what I'm most thankful for are these experiences in my life that change who I am and who I become. The time with family that reminds me what unconditional love is. The people who show kindness and grace and support, even if it's not easy. The gift of time. So really, I am thankful, grateful, and so incredibly blessed with the good stuff life offers.