Activities for our February 14, 2022.
Valentine's Day is a party day. In case you didn't know, there's no romance involved in the day, it's all about fun. There was soooo many treats, a goody exchange, activities, and all the heart shaped foods. Since we had such a filled Valentine's Day, my minis chose to celebrate with us the day before. By that I mean they were allowed to get their few gifts and eat chocolates before breakfast, along with a few extra I love you's thrown out throughout the day. I used the day to prep for our February 14th, which means spending most of the day in the kitchen baking and whipping up homemade play doughs.
Our Valentine's morning was intense, with activities beginning at 8 a.m. and going steady until lunchtime. Passing out Valentine's took the longest, as a few littles had trouble grasping the concept of giving the treats they brought to others. I also had one who wanted to share all of the Valentine's they got with everyone else. Tough concepts, but we got through it! We did not make the feet painting happen, as by the time we hit 11:15, the kids asked for a brief play dough break before lunchtime.
Everyone's favorite pancake muffins. As it turns out, I made enough to eat the rest of the week.
Yoda supervised the sensory corner. Also, a child made the "Target symbol."
I usually have the kids decorate paper bags, but I didn't find any in my craft supplies. Please note, I know I have an unbelievable amount of them (unless the minis happened to come across them and used them all) and simply couldn't find where I put them. I'm sure I'll come across them in the next few months, move them to where I think I'll find them, and then not be able to find them for next year. Luckily, I have bags galore and had the kids decorate clear quart bags with Sharpie markers. The dog was confused about what the kids were doing and anxiously waited for food to drop.
Sugar cookie decorating for morning snack. All of the littles ate their cookie, then the sprinkles, then licked all of the frosting off of their plates.
Our Find It Game for the day had the kids finding 14 hearts. Each heart had writing that said something I loved about a child. Every child had a heart to find.
As with most things, Zeus (the dog) was a huge help in the celebrations.
In all honesty, I probably could have just had the play dough and that would have been sufficient for all of the kids. Of course, that would be too boring for myself, so I'm glad we went all out for the day!